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State of AL Contract Pricing

Konica Minolta
State of Alabama T190 Contract

The state or local entity will issue a purchase order to Konica Minolta and include their tax exempt certificate. The purchase order needs to state the contract term of 36 months multiplied by the monthly payment amount. The purchase order also needs to reflect the maintenance cost per impression.

The State of Alabama Authorized Servicing Dealer (Ameri-Tek Document Solutions) will submit the order to Konica Minolta.

All remit to address is the following address:

Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA, Inc
Department 2366
Post Office Box 122366
Dallas, TX 75312-2366

Omnia HP – www.omniapartners.com/publicsector/suppliers/hp-inc/overview

Omnia Lexmark- www.omniapartners.com/publicsector/suppliers/lexmark-international-inc/overview

Omnia Konica Minolta – www.omniapartners.com/publicsector/suppliers/konica-minolta/contract-documentation

Omnia Kyocera – www.omniapartners.com/publicsector/suppliers/kyocera-document-solutions-america-inc/overview

PACA- https://paca.jccal.org/

NJPA – Sourcewell – https://www.sourcewell-mn.gov/contract-search

PEPPM – https://www.peppm.org/dashboard/supplier-profile/531317/

Alabama Community Colleges – https://www.accs.edu/vendors/